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Returning Responses

HTTP周期的一部分工作是将用户请求的内容正确返回给用户。Phalcon框架使用组件 Phalcon\HTTP\Response 来实现这个任务。HTTP响应(HTTP responses)通常由头部信息及网页主体组成。下面是基本的使用语法:


// Getting a request instance
$request = new \Phalcon\Http\Request();

//Set status code
$response->setRawHeader(404, "Not Found");

//Set the content of the response
$response->setContent("Sorry, the page doesn't exist");

//Send response to the client

发送头部信息(Working with Headers)




//Setting it by its name
$response->setHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
$response->setHeader("Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename="downloaded.pdf"');

//Setting a raw header
$response->setRawHeader("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");

HTTP头部信息由 Phalcon\HTTP\Response\Headers 管理,这个类允许在向客户端发回数据前,向客户端发送HTTP头部信息:


//Get the headers bag
$headers = $response->getHeaders();

//Get a header by its name
$contentType = $response->getHeaders()->get("Content-Type");

使用重定向(Making Redirections)

使用 Phalcon\HTTP\Response ,你可以实现HTTP重定向:


//Making a redirection using the local base uri

//Making a redirection to an external URL
$response->redirect("", true);

//Making a redirection specifyng the HTTP status code
$response->redirect("", true, 301);

所有由 “url”服务(by default Phalcon\Mvc\Url)产生的内部连接,你可以在程序中这样使用重定向到其他路由上:


//Making a redirection based on a named route
    "for" => "index-lang",
    "lang" => "jp",
    "controller" => "index"

需要注意的是,重定向不会禁用视图组件。因此,如果你想从一个controller/action重定向到另一个controller/acton上,视图将正常显示。当然,你也可以使用 $this->view->disable() 禁用视图输出。