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Phalcon是一个用C语言编写的PHP扩展。这儿有一个 PECL 扩展,为PHP程序提供国际化功能,叫 intl 。我们可以通过PHP官方文档 PHP manual 学习它。

Phalcon原生不支持国际化的功能,因为创建一个这样的组件与PHP intl功能重复。

在下面的例子中,我们将向您展示如何实现使用 intl 扩展为Phalcon应用提供国际化功能。

本指南并不打算完全讲述 intl 扩展的使用。如需要,请访问PHP官方文档: documentation

Find out best available Locale

有几种方式可以找出最佳的可用的语言环境使用 intl 。其中之一就是检查HTTP的 “Accept-Language” 头信息:


$locale = Locale::acceptFromHttp($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]);

// Locale could be something like "en_GB" or "en"
echo $locale;

Below method returns a locale identified. It is used to get language, culture, or regionally-specific behavior from the Locale API. Examples of identifiers include:

  • en-US (English, United States)
  • zh-Hant-TW (Chinese, Traditional Script, Taiwan)
  • fr-CA, fr-FR (French for Canada and France respectively)

Formatting messages based on Locale

Part of creating a localized application is to produce concatenated, language-neutral messages. The MessageFormatter allows for the production of those messages.

Printing numbers formatted based on some locale:


// Prints € 4 560
$formatter = new MessageFormatter("fr_FR", "€ {0, number, integer}");
echo $formatter->format(array(4560));

// Prints USD$ 4,560.5
$formatter = new MessageFormatter("en_US", "USD$ {0, number}");
echo $formatter->format(array(4560.50));

// Prints ARS$ 1.250,25
$formatter = new MessageFormatter("es_AR", "ARS$ {0, number}");
echo $formatter->format(array(1250.25));

Message formatting using time and date patterns:


//Setting parameters
$time   = time();
$values = array(7, $time, $time);

// Prints "At 3:50:31 PM on Apr 19, 2012, there was a disturbance on planet 7."
$pattern   = "At {1, time} on {1, date}, there was a disturbance on planet {0, number}.";
$formatter = new MessageFormatter("en_US", $pattern);
echo $formatter->format($values);

// Prints "À 15:53:01 le 19 avr. 2012, il y avait une perturbation sur la planète 7."
$pattern   = "À {1, time} le {1, date}, il y avait une perturbation sur la planète {0, number}.";
$formatter = new MessageFormatter("fr_FR", $pattern);
echo $formatter->format($values);

Locale-Sensitive comparison

The Collator class provides string comparison capability with support for appropriate locale-sensitive sort orderings. Check the examples below on the usage of this class:


// Create a collator using Spanish locale
$collator = new Collator("es");

// Returns that the strings are equal, in spite of the emphasis on the "o"
$collator->compare("una canción", "una cancion");

// Returns that the strings are not equal
$collator->compare("una canción", "una cancion");