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视图助手(View Helpers)

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使用视图(Using Views)


Phalcon\Mvc\View 负责管理MVC应用程序中的视图层。


Integrating Views with Controllers

Phalcon的视图组件会自动通过执行一个特定的控制器完成它的生命周期。视图组件首先要根据最后的控制器名称找到视图文件目录, 然后通过最后的Action找到视图文件名,然后输出视图内容。举例,如果一个URL请求是 , Phalcon会这样解析这个URL:

Server Address
Phalcon Directory blog
Controller posts
Action show
Parameter 301

分发器会寻找一个“PostsController”和它的的Action “showAction”。一个简单的控制器文件例子:


class PostsController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller

    public function indexAction()


    public function showAction($postId)
        // Pass the $postId parameter to the view
        $this->view->setVar("postId", $postId);


setVar方法允许我们创建视图变量,以便我们可以在视图文件中使用它们。上面的演示告诉我们如何把 $postId 这个参数绑定到视图文件上。

Phalcon\Mvc\View 使用PHP本身作为模板引擎,因此我们建议使用.phtml作为扩展名。如果视图目录是 app/views ,视图组件会自动找到以下3个视图文件。

Name File Description
Action View app/views/posts/show.phtml This is the view related to the action. It only will be shown when the “show” action was executed.
Controller Layout app/views/layouts/posts.phtml This is the view related to the controller. It only will be shown for every action executed within the controller “posts”. All the code implemented in the layout will be reused for all the actions in this controller.
Main Layout app/views/index.phtml This is main action it will be shown for every controller or action executed within the application.

你并不必要编写上述提到的所有三个视图文件。 Phalcon\Mvc\View 会通过视图文件的层次自动查找下一层的视图文件。如果所有三个视图文件都存在,他们将做如下处理:

<!-- app/views/posts/show.phtml -->

<h3>This is show view!</h3>

<p>I have received the parameter <?php $postId ?></p>
<!-- app/views/layouts/posts.phtml -->

<h2>This is the "posts" controller layout!</h2>

<?php echo $this->getContent() ?>
<!-- app/views/index.phtml -->

        <h1>This is main layout!</h1>

        <?php echo $this->getContent() ?>


请注意视图文件中调用 $this->getContent() 方法的那一行。这个方法的位置决定内容在 Phalcon\Mvc\View 的层次结构中的上一个视图的哪个位置显示。上述示例将输出以下内容:



<!-- app/views/index.phtml -->

        <h1>This is main layout!</h1>

        <!-- app/views/layouts/posts.phtml -->

        <h2>This is the "posts" controller layout!</h2>

        <!-- app/views/posts/show.phtml -->

        <h3>This is show view!</h3>

        <p>I have received the parameter 101</p>


使用模板(Using Templates)



class PostsController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller
    public function initialize()

    public function lastAction()
        $this->flash->notice("These are the latest posts");
<!-- app/views/index.phtml -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Blog's title</title>
        <?php echo $this->getContent() ?>
<!-- app/views/layouts/common.phtml -->

<ul class="menu">
    <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="/articles">Articles</a></li>
    <li><a href="/contact">Contact us</a></li>

<div class="content"><?php echo $this->getContent() ?></div>
<!-- app/views/layouts/posts.phtml -->

<h1>Blog Title</h1>

<?php echo $this->getContent() ?>
<!-- app/views/layouts/posts/last.phtml -->

    <h2>This is a title</h2>
    <p>This is the post content</p>

    <h2>This is another title</h2>
    <p>This is another post content</p>


<!-- app/views/index.phtml -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Blog's title</title>

        <!-- app/views/layouts/common.phtml -->

        <ul class="menu">
            <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
            <li><a href="/articles">Articles</a></li>
            <li><a href="/contact">Contact us</a></li>

        <div class="content">

            <!-- app/views/layouts/posts.phtml -->

            <h1>Blog Title</h1>

            <!-- app/views/layouts/posts/last.phtml -->

                <h2>This is a title</h2>
                <p>This is the post content</p>

                <h2>This is another title</h2>
                <p>This is another post content</p>



Using Partials



<?php $this->partial("shared/ad_banner") ?>


<p>Check out our specials for robots:</p>

<?php $this->partial("shared/footer") ?>

Transfer values from the controller to views

Phalcon\Mvc\View 可以在控制器中使用视图变量($this->view)调用。你可以在控制器的Action中使用该对象的setVar()方法设置变量到视图中。


class PostsController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller

    public function indexAction()


    public function showAction()
        //Pass all the posts to the views
        $this->view->setVar("posts", Posts:find());



<div class="post">

  foreach ($posts as $post)
    echo "<h1>", $post->title, "</h1>";


Control Rendering Levels

从以上可以看出,Phalcon\Mvc\View 支持视图层次结构。你可能需要在视图中控制显示的层次,PhalconMvc\View::setRenderLevel() 提供这种功能。



class PostsController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller

    public function indexAction()


    public function findAction()

        // This is an Ajax response so don't generate any kind of view


    public function showAction($postId)
        // Shows only the view related to the action


The available render levels are:

Class Constant Description
LEVEL_NO_RENDER Indicates to avoid generating any kind of presentation.
LEVEL_ACTION_VIEW Generates the presentation to the view associated to the action.
LEVEL_BEFORE_TEMPLATE Generates presentation templates prior to the controller layout.
LEVEL_LAYOUT Generates the presentation to the controller layout.
LEVEL_AFTER_TEMPLATE Generates the presentation to the templates after the controller layout.
LEVEL_MAIN_LAYOUT Generates the presentation to the main layout. File views/index.phtml

Using models in the view layer

应用程序中的模型是可以在视图中直接使用的,因为 Phalcon\Loader 在运行时会自动初始化它们:

<div class="categories">

foreach (Catergories::find("status = 1") as $category) {
   echo "<span class='category'>", $category->name, "</span>";



Picking Views

正如上面提示的,Phalcon\Mvc\Application 管理 Phalcon\Mvc\View 进行视图显示,根据相关联的最一个控制器和action来进行视图文件输出。你也可以通过 Phalcon\Mvc\View::pick() 方法改变这个显示流程:


class ProductsController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller

    public function listAction()
        // Pick "views-dir/products/search" as view to render


Caching View Fragments

有时候,当你开发动态网站时,网页上的有一些区域是不经常更新的,他们每次都输出相同的内容。Phalcon\Mvc\View 提供了一种缓存功能,可以局部缓存,也可以缓存整个页面,以提高性能。

Phalcon\Mvc\View 集成了 Phalcon\Cache ,提供了一种更方便的方法来进行缓存操作。你可以手工设置缓存处理,或设置一个全局的缓存规则:


class PostsController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller

    public function showAction()
        //Cache the view using the default settings

    public function showArticleAction()
        // Cache this view for 1 hour
            "lifetime" => 3600

    public function resumeAction()
        //Cache this view for 1 day with the key "resume-cache"
                "lifetime" => 86400,
                "key"      => "resume-cache",

    public function downloadAction()
        //Passing a custom service
                "service"  => "myCache",
                "lifetime" => 86400,
                "key"      => "resume-cache",


当我们没有为缓存定义一个明确的KEY时,组件会自动创建一个针对视图文件名称 md5 的KEY。这样定义KEY的方式是非常不错的做法,因为这样你就可以很容易识别到每个Action与视图缓存的对应文件了。

当View组件需要缓存一些内容的时候,它将从服务容器请求cache服务。 这个服务在服务容器中的命名为”viewCache”:


//Set the views cache service
$di->set('viewCache', function(){

    //Cache data for one day by default
    $frontCache = new Phalcon\Cache\Frontend\Output(array(
        "lifetime" => 86400

    //Memcached connection settings
    $cache = new Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Memcached($frontCache, array(
        "host" => "localhost",
        "port" => "11211"

    return $cache;
}, true);




class DownloadController extends Phalcon\Mvc\Controller

    public function indexAction()

        //Check if the cache with key "downloads" exists or has expired
        if ($this->view->getCache()->exists('downloads')) {

            //Query the latest downloads
            $latest = Downloads::find(array('order' => 'created_at DESC'));

            $this->view->setVar('latest', $latest);

        //Enable the cache with the same key "downloads"
        $this->view->cache(array('key' => 'downloads'));


禁用视图(Disabling the view)



class UsersController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller

    public function closeSessionAction()

        //Disable the view

        //The same


模板引擎(Template Engines)

模板引擎可帮助前端设计人员无需使用复杂的语法就可以创建视图。Phalcon自身包含了一个强大快速的模板引擎 Volt

此外, Phalcon\Mvc\View 还允许你使用其他的模板引擎替代PHP或Volt.


如果你要使用一个外部模板引擎, Phalcon\Mvc\View 会提供完全相同的视图层次结构,它同样可以在模板中访问API。


创建自己的模板引擎适配器(Creating your own Template Engine Adapter)


模板引擎适配器是一个类,它用作 Phalcon\Mvc\View 与模板引擎集成工作的一个桥梁。通常只需要实现 __construct() 和 render() 两个方法。构造方法用于传入 Phalcon\Mvc\View 的实际对象和服务容器(DI).

render()方法接收两个参数,第一个为视图文件的绝对路径,第二个参数是通过 $this->view->setVar() 设置模板变量。


class MyTemplateAdapter extends \Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine

     * Adapter constructor
     * @param \Phalcon\Mvc\View $view
     * @param \Phalcon\DI $di
    public function __construct($view, $di)
        //Initiliaze here the adapter
        parent::__construct($view, $di);

     * Renders a view using the template engine
     * @param string $path
     * @param array $params
    public function render($path, $params)

        // Access view
        $view = $this->_view;

        // Access options
        $options = $this->_options;

        //Render the view


更换模板引擎(Changing the Template Engine)



class PostsController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller

    public function indexAction()
        // Set the engine
                ".my-html" => "MyTemplateAdapter"

    public function showAction()
        // Using more than one template engine
                ".my-html" => 'MyTemplateAdapter'
                ".phtml" => 'Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Php'


你还可以完全替换模板引擎,或同时使用多个模板引擎都是可以的。 Phalcon\Mvc\View::registerEngines() 方法接收一个数组参数。数组的KEY是扩展名,值为模板名。扩展名称不要一样,以区别使用的是哪个模板引擎。

如果使用多个模板引擎,同时设置的扩展名称一样,那么 Phalcon\Mvc\View 将只显示第一个。



//Setting up the view component
$di->set('view', function() {

    $view = new \Phalcon\Mvc\View();


            ".my-html" => 'MyTemplateAdapter'

    return $view;

为了更好的理解如何创建一个模板引擎适配器,让我们集成两个众所周知的模板:Mustache 和 Twig.

Using Mustache

Mustache 是一个logic-less的模板引擎,可用于多平台多语言。PHP的实现版本在这里 this Github repository



require "path/to/Mustache/Autoloader.php";



 * Adapter to use Mustache library as templating engine
class My_Mustache_Adapter extends \Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine

    protected $_mustache;

    protected $_params;

    public function __construct(Phalcon\Mvc\View $view, Phalcon\DI $di)
        $this->_mustache = new Mustache_Engine();
        parent::__construct($view, $di);

    public function render($path, $params)
        if (!isset($params['content'])) {
            $params['content'] = $this->_view->getContent();
        $this->_view->setContent($this->_mustache->render(file_get_contents($path), $params));


现在,在控制中你需要把模板引擎替换成 Mustache 适配器,如果你的控制器中的所有Action都使用此模板引擎,你可以在initialize()方法中注册它。


class PostsController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller implements Phalcon\Mvc\View\EngineInterface

    public function initialize()

        // Changing PHP engine by Mustache
            array(".mhtml" => "My_Mustache_Adapter")


    public function showAction()

        $this->view->setVar("showPost", true);
        $this->view->setVar("title", "some title");
        $this->view->setVar("body", "a cool content");



相对的模板文件 (views-dir/posts/show.mhtml) 将使用 Mustache 语法进行解析。


此外,正如上面看到的,你必须在视图文件中调用方法 $this->getContent() 以包含内容。在Moustache中,它是这么使用的:

<div class="some-menu">
    <!-- the menu -->

<div class="some-main-content">

Using Twig

Twig 是最近比较流行的PHP模板引擎。



require "path/to/Twig/Autoloader.php";



 * Adapter to use Twig library as templating engine
class My_Twig_Adapter extends \Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine implements Phalcon\Mvc\View\EngineInterface

    protected $_twig;

    public function __construct(Phalcon\Mvc\View $view, Phalcon\DI $di)
        $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem($view->getViewsDir());
        $this->_twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);
        parent::__construct($view, $di);

    public function render($path, $params)
        $view = $this->_view;
        if (!isset($params['content'])) {
            $params['content'] = $view->getContent();
        if (!isset($params['view'])) {
            $params['view'] = $view;
        $relativePath = str_replace($view->getViewsDir(), '', $path);
        $this->_view->setContent($this->_twig->render($relativePath, $params));




class PostsController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller

    public function initialize()

        // Changing PHP engine by Twig
            array(".twig" => "Twig")


    public function showAction()

        $this->view->setVar("showPost", true);
        $this->view->setVar("title", "some title");
        $this->view->setVar("body", "a cool content");




{{% if showPost %}}
    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
    <p>{{ body }}</p>
{{% endif %}}


<div class="some-messages">
    {{ content }}

Using Smarty

Smarty 是另一个PHP模板引擎,它负责应用逻辑和视图的分隔。



require_once 'Smarty3/Smarty.class.php';



class SmartyEngine extends \Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine implements Phalcon\Mvc\View\EngineInterface

    protected $_smarty;

    protected $_params;

    public function __construct(Phalcon\Mvc\View $view, Phalcon\DI $di)
        $this->_smarty = new Smarty();
        $this->_smarty->template_dir = '.';
        $this->_smarty->compile_dir = SMARTY_DIR . 'templates_c';
        $this->_smarty->config_dir = SMARTY_DIR . 'configs';
        $this->_smarty->cache_dir = SMARTY_DIR . 'cache';
        $this->_smarty->caching = false;
        $this->_smarty->debugging = true;
        parent::__construct($view, $di);

    public function render($path, $params)
        if (!isset($params['content'])) {
            $params['content'] = $this->_view->getContent();
        foreach($params as $key => $value){
            $this->_smarty->assign($key, $value);


在视图中使用服务(Injecting services in View)

每个视图文件中都包含 Phalcon\DI\Injectable 的实例对象,方便的提供了访问服务容器的功能。

下面的例子演示了如何在框架约定下写一个 jQuery ajax request 。视图文件中包含”url”这个服务,你可以直接使用它:

<script type="text/javascript">

    url: "<?php echo $this->url->get("cities/get") ?>"
.done(function() {


Stand-Alone Component

在Phalcon中,一般使用 glue 组件使一些松散的组件连接在一起相互工作,形成一个full-stack框架开发环境,但是你也可以单独使用 Phalcon\Mvc\View


$view = new \Phalcon\Mvc\View();

// Passing variables to the views, these will be created as local variables
$view->setVar("someProducts", $products);
$view->setVar("someFeatureEnabled", true);

//Start the output buffering

//Render all the view hierarchy related to the view products/list.phtml
$view->render("products", "list");

//Finish the output buffering

echo $view->getContent();

View Events

Phalcon\Mvc\View 可以将事件发送到 EventsManager 。事件通过”view”来触发。一些返回布尔值false的事件可以被停止,支持下列一些事件:

Event Name Triggered Can stop operation?
beforeRender Triggered before start the render process Yes
beforeRenderView Triggered before render an existing view Yes
afterRenderView Triggered after render an existing view No
afterRender Triggered after complete the render process No



$di->set('view', function() {

    //Create an event manager
    $eventsManager = new Phalcon\Events\Manager();

    //Attach a listener for type "view"
    $eventsManager->attach("view", function($event, $view) {
        echo $event->getType(), ' - ', $view->getActiveRenderPath(), PHP_EOL;

    $view = new \Phalcon\Mvc\View();

    //Bind the eventsManager to the view component

    return $view;

下面的示例展示了如何创建一个插件,用来clean/repair 在渲染过程中的HTML代码。我们使用 Tidy 来演示:


class TidyPlugin

    public function afterRender($event, $view)

        $tidyConfig = array(
            'clean' => true,
            'output-xhtml' => true,
            'show-body-only' => true,
            'wrap' => 0,

        $tidy = tidy_parse_string($view->getContent(), $tidyConfig, 'UTF8');

        $view->setContent((string) $tidy);


//Attach the plugin as a listener
$eventsManager->attach("view:afterRender", new TidyPlugin());